This is a simple song from her early years. It features only on musical instrument that of Irving Brodsky on piano. And what is he doing on that piano! It may be that the producer told him to pound those keys. If you listen closely he not only plays the keys on the piano, he really, really pounds them! I suspect that because of the recording technology at the time, he had to really belt out the song for the microphone to pick it up! The lyrics are simple, concise and Annette sings them with heart. It is a sign of the times. The singer in the song is hopelessly in love with her lover and sings this song to them. I can " go right on living or end it, it all depends on you." Very melodramatic but consistant with the times.
Lovers depend on moonlight
for a love affair
babies depend on mothers
for their tender care
Flowers depend on sunshine
and the morning dew
Each thing depends
on something
and I depend on you
I can be happy
I can be sad
I can be good or I can
be bad
It all depends on you
Now, I can be lonely
out in a crowd
I can be humble
I can be proud
It all depends on you
I can save money or spend
go right on living
or end it
You're to blame honey
for what I do
I now, I can be beggar
I can be king
I can be almost any old
It all depends on you
I can be happy
I can be sad
I can be good
I can be bad
It all depends on you
Now, I can be lonely
out in a crowd
I can be humble
I can be proud
It all depends on you
I can save money
or spend it
go right on living
or end it
You're to blame honey
for what I do
I now, I can be beggar
I can be king
I can be almost any old
It all depends on you
That's all!