Every time I hear this song I picture Annette singing it to her husband Herman. "There's no accounting for taste, that's why I picked you." Can you just imagine her singing it into the microphone with Herman in the background? She sings it very coyly. Very playful. Very Happy if not cocky. I am pretty and worth something because of you. She is on top of the world because of her love. Don't know if this every came about, but is an enticing idea. Remember, Annette didn't want to do any singing, she was always doing her singing to satisfy her father, then her husband, Herman. Maybe in her coy little way she is saying, Okay I didn't want to do this but since she made me do it, I am going to have a little fun with it. "There's no accounting for taste, that's why I picked you."
There's no accounting
for taste
I'm Sure
that's why I picked
It seems a terrible
but you're the
best that I could do
I was a beautiful
I was an innocent
You lead me on
to the slaughter
and now I am just
a ham!
What are you doing
to me
You'll be the ruin
to me
I care for you
in a great big way
You smiled at me
and I fell
that's why it silly
but swell
I'm like a leaping
gazelle to say
I knew the minute
I met you
that I would get
a load of romance
I'd stop at nothing
to get you
If there's a possible
I'd give a year
of my life
to hear you say
I care for you
in a great big way
What are you doing
to me
You'll be the ruin
to me
I care for you
in a great big way
You smiled at me
and I fell
that's why it silly
but swell
I'm like a leaping
gazelle to say
I knew the minute
I met you
that I would get
a load of romance
I'd stop at nothing
to get you
If there's a possible
I'd give a year
of my life
to hear you say
I care for you
in a great big way
That's all!