One thing that seems to be consistant throughout Annette's songs is that her man is usually a louse! Once again we find Annette is in love with a man who she is presumably married to, that has left her and has not said when he will come home. Annette, however, not to be outdone is telling him that if he doesn't shape up that there are other fish in the sea and their are other men out there that want her if he doesn't come back to her. Always Annette maintains her dignity even with the losers she ends up.
When the night
is wheezing
and I should be
sleeping in bed
if you were a peepin
you would find
I'm a weepin
My lovin daddy
left his baby again
said he would come
back but he forgot to say when
Night after night
I'm crying
daddy won't you
please come home
daddy won't you
please come home
I am so lonesome
No one can fill
that vacant chair
Home is not home
when you are not there
No need to knock
the door is open
to you
even the clock
is ticking
Daddy won't you
please come home
Daddy do you have
to roam
so very long
there lots of other
new sheik
who would like
to be skeiking
haven't slipped
but I'm liable
Daddy won't you
please come home?
Please daddy,
even the clock
is ticking
Daddy won't you
please come home
Daddy do you have
to roam?
so very long
there lots of other
new sheik
who would like
to be skeiking
haven't slipped
but I'm liable
Daddy won't you
please come home
That's all!