Still I'll admit
you may think it strange
but I'm tired of it
I'd be glad to change
and I love one alone
if I was sure
he'd be my own
If I could find him
The right kind of man
He'd make me mind him
The right kind of man
I could be slavin, behavin
All the day long
Wouldn't do wrong
I'd feed him kisses
that would make him fall
no other kisses could tempt
him at all
I'd always guide him
beside him
Where I belong
I 'm just so full of love
and to the world I am making
this plea
where is the man I love
somewhere I know he's waiting
for me
where can he be
In Paris or Rome
Could even live in tent
for a home
I wouldn't feel bad
if I had the right kind
of man
I 'm just so full of love
and to the world I am making
this plea
where is the man I love
somewhere I know he's waiting
for me
where can he be
Don't need a palace in
Paris or Rome
Could even live in tent
for a home
I wouldn't feel bad
if I had the right kind
of man
I'm just so full of love
I'm making this plea
where is the man I love
somewhere I know
He's waiting for me
where can he be?
Don't need a palace
in Paris or Rome
Coult even live in a tent
for a home
I wouldn't feel bad
if I had the right kind
of man