New Additions to the Web site!
New Additions | Date Added | ||
Updated the sites front page and noticed I misspelled one word. The site has been up two years and I didn't even notice! Also Frank Hanshaw pointed out something very important. When he got to the front page it didn't seem apparent to him that you had to click on the photo to get into the site. I just assumed people would know to click on the picture. I therefore added a little comment on the front page so that everyone will know to click on the picture. | August 24, 2000 | ||
Major new addition to site with "My Free Drive" add on. There is just not enough web space on the tripod server to accommodate all the files so I added a link to "My Free Drive" and loaded all the sound files in one place. People will have to register once with the Free Drive web server to get to get access, but its free and once in you will have the convenience of downloading all the sound files from the same location. | August 24, 2000 | ||
Added a Conference Board to Page 1. Users will have to register with tripod once to get a user name to access the web board to add or review comments | August 24, 2000 | ||
Added email comments from Rick Levinson and Frank Hansaw III | August 24, 2000 | ||
Added sample sound files of the 1960's radio show called "The Entertainers" donated by Tom Bewley. This has excerpts from the Brian Rust interview with Annette. To get to the sound files you must click on the link "The Entertainers" located in the Biographical sections and this will take you to sound files | August 24, 2000 | Added one of the old albums that is now out of print but for any true Annette Hanshaw fan is needed to be included in their library. Can still pick up this album in used record stores and auctions. Can be found in the Current CD's section. Although this album was only available on L.P. album. | August 24, 2000 | Added a lot of corrections to the site about Annette's correct birthday. Brian Rust has claimed her birth day has been on October 18, 1910 for years and that was accepted as gospel by everyone, but after extensive research into both Social Secutrity index files and communicating with Frank Hanshaw, her nephew, we can correct her birhtdate to October 18, 1901. This would have made her 25 when she started her career not at 15 as Brian claimed. Brian is not totally to blame though as Frank admits that Annette encouraged this mis-information about her age. According to Frank she had a "phobia" about her age. He was not able to call her "aunt" in front of anyone. She called him her younger "cousin". | October 14, 2000 | Finally changed over the Domain name to: | October 20, 2000 | Added a couple of old albums that were released many years ago and are no longer in print. The first album was the old Sunbeam album, "Miss Annette Hanshaw". The next albums are the old World Records, "She's Got It" volume 1 and 2 from England. Even though these albums are out of print, these albums sometimes come up at auction at either eBay or through Alan Cooperman so Annette fans should be aware of them. A lot of the cuts are also on other albums. I put in links to some of the old 78's that I have to give the Annette fan an idea of what the songs were. I do not and will not take any cuts off of any current albums. All real audio samples are from public domain (basically old scratchy 78's!). These old albums have a great deal of information about Annette on them so if you ever see them at auction please do not outbid me! | November 1, 2000 |
Finally added the web host name of | This will help make it easier for everyone to get to the site.November 15, 2000 | ||
Added a new find to the top of page one. There was recently an auction of some rare Annette Hanshaw articles. Please check out the new find page and find out more! | November 15, 2000 | I am reworking the Biographical section with major revisions to her early career, her early life, her recording career. Also, received permission from Allan Sutton to include excerpts from his book about American Record Labels. Will include quotes and documentation from his work. Have also made new acquisitons: 1. Sunbeam P-511 LP 2. Sunbeam P-512 LP 3. Original signed photo of Annette. will be including major new reviews of all of the above. Will include new pages on the Pathe record label especially the early E-2000 series of recordings. Also working on transcribing the entire "The Enterntainers" CBC radio program. Look for these new pages to be included soon. | February 18, 2001 | Just got a message from Joel Harris in Toronto: He spoke with Nick Pitt, Vice-President of Sensation Records, with reference to the release date of the next two Annette Hanshaw Compact Discs. He informed Joel that Volumes 4 and 7 will be released in mid-April, 2001, with volume 7 coming first and then to be followed shortly thereafter by volume 4. He also informed Joel that there will be 10 volumes in all covering all recordings, including alternate takes, made by her and that they will be released in pairs from "the middle to the outside"-in other words, the next release will be Volumes 3 and 8, the next Volumes 2 and 9 and the last Volumes 1 and 10. Its quite a comprhensive project and one that should make all Annette Hanshaw fans very happy. (thanks, Joel, good work!) | February 28, 2001 | Have been working on the relationshiop of Helen Kane to Annette and her recordings. Will be adding a page that lists all the common songs that each did. Helen Kane was an interesting singer and one that really only recorded 78's for about two years. After that she primarily worked in movies. She had a certain persona that Annette would copy or "mimic". I found in my research that almost all of the songs that Annette would record of Helen's, she would do just about a month or two after Helen did. There can be quite a case made for the fact that Annette would copy Helen's songs or as Annette would say "do things a little different". | March 19, 2001 | Will be taking out the "Annette Bulletin Board" as it has never worked. Have been adding all the new information under the tab "New Additions". | March 19, 2001 | Will be taking out the link to "My FreeDrive" as this link no longer works. Received an email from the company that they were no longer sponsoring "public sharing of files". As a replacement I am transcribing the words to "The Entertainers" because there is a lot of good information in it. | March 19, 2001 | Have been working on a slide show of all the record labels that Annette recorded on. Have received permission from Allan Sutton to use quotes from his book with Kurt Nauck "American Record Labels-An Encyclopedia (1891-1943). It will be a short slide show with representations from Pathe,Perfect,Cameo, Columbia, Harmony and Velvetone labels. These are representative labels only from their book and not actual labels that Annette recorded. Still it is interesting to see the changes that took place in her career. As I find them I will replace the "generic" labels with the representive labels that she actually did. | March 19, 2001 |
Updated the site to eliminate the web ads. | December 14, 2003 | ||
Added new page from the New York Sun entitled "Who's who on Radio | December 14, 2003 | ||
Added new page from the
collection of Billy Alvey
Maxwell House Coffee Advertisment |
December 18, 2003 | ||
Added new page from the
collection of Preston Meeks
Annette's first recording for Columbia |
December 18, 2003 | ||
Added new page "She Won't Pretend"
From Radio Star Magazine |
December 18, 2003 | ||
Added new page from the
collection of Billy Alvey
"Here comes the showboat" |
December 18,2003 | ||
Added new page:
"Poor Little Celebrities" |
December 21,2003 | ||
Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks: "Roping 'em in" | December 21, 2003 | ||
Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks: "Showboat Hour" | December 21, 2003 | ||
Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks: "Annette at work" | December 21, 2003 | ||
Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks: "Showboat Awards" | December 21, 2003 | Added new page from the collection of Billy Alvey
"Its a Fine Thing, Conrad" |
December 24, 2003 |
Added new page from the collection of Billy Alvey
"Let's Have another cup of coffee" |
December 24, 2003 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"On the Bridge of the Showboat" |
January 17,2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"Where do those huge salaries go?" |
January 17, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"From "Hollywood Dance Folion 10, 1934" |
January 17,2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"From the cover of Radio Index (November,1933)" |
January 17, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"From the cover of Radio Index (November,1933)" |
January 17, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Billy Alvey
"From the Saturday Evening Post " |
January 17, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"From the "What's on the Air" dated June, 1931 page 13, is a fascinating page entitled "CBS preparing for Television". This was at the heighth of the depression and CBS had the foresight and vision to look to the future and plan on the day when there would be televsion. And they would have Annette Hanshaw as one of their stars of televsion! Imagine the possiblities. And this was 20 years before television would come to be a reality." |
January 17, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Billy Alvey
"From Radio Stars Magazine (143k) " |
January 28, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"From Radio Star Magazine (238k,239k,563k) " |
January 28, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Billy Alvey
"From Radio Star Magazine (December 1935) (305k,169k,171k) " |
February 4, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"You Certainly Look Snappy In that Van Huesen " |
February 6, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Presston Meeks
" Forgive Me (sheet music) " |
February 6, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"Letters from the Stars (Radioland Magazine) " |
February 6, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"Lying in the Hay (sheet music) " |
February 6, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
Mary (sheet music) " |
February 6, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
" I am not a blues singer! " |
February 6, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
" Frank Ferrera's 1928 Recording Dates " |
February 7, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Billy Alvey
"Letter from Brian Rust " |
February 7, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Billy Alvey
"Apples-Parabolas (by Chester Matthews) " |
February 22, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"Velvetone Records featuring Annette Hanshaw " |
February 22, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Preston Meeks
"Okeh Records featuring Annette Hanshaw " |
February 22, 2004 | Added new page from the collection of Billy Alvey
"What's Become of Annette Hanshaw? " |
March 12, 2004 |