is with Frank Ferrera's Hawaiian Trio (1929). This is more
of an instrumental with just the steel guitar doing most of the work and
a ukulele doing backup. This is the same cut that Cliff Edwards sang
in the "Hollywood Revue of the 1929". It seems very strange to hear
it played with a steel guitar. This is probably the only time that
this tune was ever played with a steel guitar! Sometimes I wonder
what were they thinking when they did that? Or were they thinking
at all. However, Annette was a real tropper. She sang it with
all her heart. She doesn't have much time though because if you notice
in all these Frank Ferrera tunes, he always plays his steel guitar for
about one minute into the song which leaves Annette only a minute to get
the lyrics in and then Frank finishes with another one minute second chorus.
These records only accomodate 3 minutes per song so if Annette is to get
anything in at all she has to do it in the second minute.
Singing In
The Rain
I'm singing
in the rain
just singing
in the rain
what a glorious
I'm happy
I'm laughing
at clouds
so dark up
the suns
in my heart
and ready
for love
Let the stormy
clouds chase
every one
from the place
Come on with
the rain
I've got
a smile on my face
I'll walked
down the lane
with a happy
and singing
just singing
in the rain