I wasn't quick at arithmetic
when I went to school
adding and subtraction
drove me to distraction
I never made the seventh
still I'm not a fool
cause there's one little
at which I'm not so dumb
Add six feet of papa
Five feet of mama
You get eleven
but I get heaven
cause that six feet of
belongs to me
Now if you think I'm lying
try mulitplying
Six feet of blisses
I'm fit to kisses
every night we're rehearsing
the answer you see
I've had sweeties four
feet four
now I've got me two feet
Does he thrill me through
and through
You can bet your boop de
Add six feet of papa
five feet of mama
you get eleven
when I get heaven
cause that six feet of
belongs to me
Add six feet of papa
five feet of mama
you get eleven
when I get heaven
cause that six feet of
belongs to me
Me, Me, Me
Now if you think I'm lying
try mulitplying
Six feet of blisses
I'm fit to kisses
every night we're rehearsing
the answer you see
Take a kiss
and add a kiss
you'll find out your answers
We don't count our kisses
just cause we can't count
that high
Add six feet of papa
five feet of mama
you get eleven
when I get heaven
cause that six feet of
belongs to me
Sweet sweet stuff
that six feet of papa
belongs to me